Salajeet Price in Pakistan Buy 100% Pure Shilajit سلاجیت
Buy 100% Pure Himalayan Salajeet | Shilajit سلاجیت in Pakistan from EtoPk Store
What is Salajeet | Shilajit
Salajeet is a precious substance from the Himalayan mountains that can boost your health. How many types of Salajeet? There are three types of Salajeet: 1. Raw Salajeet 2. Salajeet purified by the sun 3. Shilajit purified by fire The best Salajeet is the one that has been cleaned by the sun.
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Salajeet | Shilajit Lowest Price in Pakistan
Price in Pakistan
Salajeet Price in Pakistan
Salajeet 35 gm
2500 PKR
Salajeet 100 gm
7000 PKR
Salajeet Price in Pakistan
Salajeet 250 gm
13500 PKR
Salajeet 500 gm
25000 PKR
Salajeet Price in Pakistan Karachi, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Lahore, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Multan, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Faisalabad, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Rawalpindi, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Islamabd, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Pishawar, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Gilgit, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Chitral
سلاجیت کی کتنی اقسام ہیں؟
سلاجیت کی تین اقسام ہیں۔: ١۔ خام سلاجیت ٢۔ دھوپ کے ذریعے صاف شدہ سلاجیت ٣۔ آگ کے ذریعے صاف شدہ سلاجیت سب سے بہترین سلاجیت وہ ہوتی ہے جسے دھوپ کے ذریعے صاف کیا گیا ہو۔
سلاجیت کیا ہے فوائد کیا ہیں۔
سلاجیت کے معنی “پتھر کی جان” کے ہیں۔سلاجیت، شمالی پاکستان بالخصوص سکردو، چترال اور کالاش کے پہاڑوں سے نکلنے والا ایک مادہ ہے۔ اسکا رنگ سیاہی مائل چاکلیٹ کی طرح ہوتا ہے۔بعض پہاڑوں میں گرمی کی شدت کے باعث دراڑوں کے اندر سے ایک قسم کی گوند کی طرح کا مادہ خارج ہو کر جم جاتا ہے، یہ مادہ پہاڑ کی درزوں/دراڑوں میں از خود بنتا ہے، یہ ایک ٹھوس مادہ ہوتاہے جس میں نامیاتی اجزاء، نباتاتی ریشے اور ارضی اجزاء پائے جاتے ہیں۔ سلاجیت ایسےپہاڑوں سے نکلتی ہے جن میں سونے، چاندی، تانبے، سیسہ، زِنک اور لوہے کی کانیںہوتی ہیں اس لئیے اسکا رنگ مختلف ہوتا ہے۔اِس میں سے گائے کے پیشاب جیسی بُو آتی ہے۔اس کے مختلف نام ہیں جو درج ذیل ہیں۔
Black Asphaltum
ملایی۔ مومیائی
سلاجیت کیسے حاصل کی جاتی ہے:
جب غیر مصفی سلاجیت کو شدھ یعنی صاف کرنا ہوتو اسے قریبا چار گنا شیر گرم پانی یا دودھ میں گھول کر کپڑ چھان کرکےآہنی ظرف میں ڈال دیتے ہیں اس سیال کو دھوپ میں رکھ دیتے ہیں جب اس کے اوپر کالی کالی بالائی سی آجاتی ہے اسے اتار لیتےہیں بس یہی سورج تاپی یعنی آفتابی شدھ سلاجیت ہے جس کو ست سلاجیت بھی کہتے ہیں ایک دفعہ سیال پرسے بالائی اتار لینےکے بعد پھر بھی بالائی آتی ہے اور اسی طرح اتار لی جاتی ہے جب بالائی اوپر آنی بند ہو جائے تو درد پھینک دی جاتی ہے۔
سلاجیت کا مزاج گرم؛ 2درجہ خشک؛ 2 درجہ۔
سلاجیت کو چترالی زبان میں “زومو آشرو” یعنی “پہاڑ کا آنسو” کہا جاتا ہےچترالی زبان میں “آشرو” “آنسو” کو کہا جاتا ہے لفظ آشرو پنجابی زبان کے لفظ “اَتھرُو” سے بنا ہے۔
مقدار خوراک:
ایک چنے کے برابر گرم دودھ یا پانی میں ملا کر کھائیں
اصلی سلاجیت کی پہچان
سلاجیت کو آگ پر جلانے سے گرتی نہیں بلکہ بلکہ پھول جاتی ہے۔ دوسرے نمبر پر اصلی سلاجیت کا دھواں سفید ہوتا ہےجبکہ نقلی کا سیاہ ہوتا ہے۔
How to Use Salajeet ⚡ Salajeet Price in Pakistan
سلاجیت کے فوائد
اعصابی کمزوری
ہڈیوں کی کمزوری
مردانہ کمزوری
عام جسمانی کمزوری
درد ریح
درد کمر
جوڑوں کا درد
درد شقیقہ
پٹھوں کا کچھاو
اندرونی چوٹ
شوگر کے مسائل
اس کے علاوہ سلاجیت گردہ و مثانہ کو تقویت دیتی ہے۔ سلسل البول کی بیماری میں بہت مفید ہے۔ جریان اور ذیابطیس کے لیے بھی مفید ہے۔اس کے متعلق کہا جاتا ہے کہ یہ ہر مرض کے لئیے مفید ہے اعصابی امراض میں بکثرت اسکا استعمال ہوتا ہے اعصاب کوطاقت دیتی ہے۔
اگرچہ سلاجیت پیشاب آور ہے، مگر اس کو “سلسل البول” یعنی بار بار پیشاب آنا میں استعمال کیا جائےتو پیشاب کی ذیادتی کو روک کر مثانہ کا قوی کرتی ہے سردیوں میں اس کی معمولی سی مقدار کھانے سے سردی کا احساس ختم ہوتا ہے۔
طریقہ استعمال:-
رات کو سونے سے پہلے نیم گرم دودھ یا چائے میں ایک گندم کے دانے جتنی سلاجیت چمچ کی نوک پر لیکر اچھی طرح مکس کرکے استعمال کریں۔گرم مزاج والے ٹھنڈے دودھ یا دودھ کی کچی لسی میں استعمال کریں۔
ہائی بلڈپریشر کے مریض استعمال نہ کریں۔ سلاجیت کے استعمال کے بعد ٹھنڈا پانی پینے سے گریز کریں نیم گرم پانی پی سکتے ہیں۔ دراصل اس میں موجود معدنیات جسم کی کمی کو پورا کرتے ہیں ‘جس کی وجہ سے جسم کی حرارت بڑھنے کی وجہ سے خون کی گردش تیز ہو جاتی ہے۔
اسلام آباد سے تعلق رکھنے والے ڈاکٹر وحید معراج کہتے ہیں کہ ‘اس میں آئرن، زنک اور میگنیشیم سمیت 85 سے زائد معدنیات پائے جاتے ہیں۔ ان سارے معدنیات کی وجہ سے انسانی جسم کے خون کے دباؤ میں اضافہ ہوتا ہے اور قوتِ مدافعت میں بہتری آتی ہے۔’وہ مزید کہتے ہیں کہ ‘اس کے استعمال سے انسان کے اعصابی نظام میں بہتری آتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے یہ الزائمر، ڈپریشن اور دماغ کے لیے مفید ہوتا ہے۔’ڈاکٹر معراج کہتے ہیں کہ ‘چوہوں پر کیے گئے ٹیسٹ سے ان کے شوگر لیول پر مثبت اثرات دیکھے گئے ہیں اس وجہ سے یہ شوگر کے علاج کے لیے بھی مفید ہے۔’اس کے علاوہ وہ کہتے ہیں کہ ہڈی و جوڑ کے لیے بھی بہت مفید ہے۔
سلاجیت کا صحیح استعمال
اسے سوکھے چنے کے دانے کے برابر اور گرم دودھ کے ساتھ ملا کر لینا چاہیے۔ اور پچاس سال سے زائد عمر کے افراد روزانہ کی بنیاد پر اور دو تین مہینے تک لے سکتے ہیں۔ اور جوان لوگ ہفتے میں دو دن سے زیادہ استعمال نہ کریں۔’
بلڈ پریشر کےایسے مریض جو مستقل بلڈپریشر کی ادویات استعمال کرتے ہیں وہ اس کا استعمال بالکل بھی نہ کریں۔
’جب 86 معدنیات پیٹ کے اندر جاتے ہیں تو وہ ویسے بھی بلڈ پریشر تھوڑا بڑھ جاتا ہے۔ اس لیے جن کا بلڈ پریشر پہلے سے زیادہ ہو تو وہ بالکل بھی استعمال نہ کریں۔’ اس کے علاوہ دل کے امراض میں مبتلا لوگ یا جن کا دل کا آپریش ہوا ہے وہ بھی اس کا استعمال نہ کریں۔حاملہ عورتوں کو بھی اس کا استعمال نہیں کرنا چاہیے۔ان کے علاوہ تمام لوگ استعمال کرکے اپنی قوت مدافعت بڑھا سکتے ہیں۔
Salajeet, also known as shilajit, is a natural resin found in the mountains of Pakistan and other parts of the world. The price of salajeet in Pakistan can vary depending on the product’s quality, purity, and source.
Salajeet | Shilajit Price in Pakistan
In general, the price of salajeet in Pakistan can range from around Rs. 3,000 to Rs. 50,000 per kilogram or more, depending on the quality and source of the resin. The highest quality salajeet, which is sourced from high altitudes and is considered to be the purest form of the resin, can be the most expensive.
Salajeet | Shilajit Lowest Price in Pakistan
Price in Pakistan
Salajeet Price in Pakistan
Salajeet 35 gm
2500 PKR
Salajeet 100 gm
7000 PKR
Salajeet Price in Pakistan
Salajeet 250 gm
13500 PKR
Salajeet 500 gm
25000 PKR
Salajeet Price in Pakistan Karachi, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Lahore, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Multan, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Faisalabad, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Rawalpindi, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Islamabd, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Pishawar, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Gilgit, Salajeet Price in Pakistan Chitral
It is important to note that the quality and purity of salajeet can vary widely, and there are many counterfeit products on the market. To ensure that you are purchasing a high-quality product, it is important to buy salajeet from a reputable source and to check the purity and authenticity of the product before purchasing. It is also important to use salajeet under the guidance of a healthcare provider, as it can have potential side effects and interactions with other medications.
Shilajit | Salajeet benefits
Shilajit | Salajeet is a sticky substance found primarily in the rocks of the Himalayas. It develops over centuries from the slow decomposition of plants.
Shilajit is commonly used in ayurvedic medicine. It’s an effective and safe supplement that can have a positive effect on your overall health and well-being.
Here’s a look at eight ways to use shilajit.
Shilajit benefits
Salajeet Price in Pakistan
1. Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that causes problems with memory, behavior, and thinking. Drug treatments are available to improve symptoms of Alzheimer’s. But based on the molecular composition of shilajit, some researchers believe shilajit may prevent or slowTrusted Source the progression of Alzheimer’s.
The primary component of shilajit is an antioxidant known as fulvic acid. This powerful antioxidant contributes to cognitive health by preventing the accumulation of tau protein. Tau proteins are an important part of your nervous system, but a buildup can trigger brain cell damage.
Researchers think that the fulvic acid in shilajit may stop the abnormal buildup of tau protein and reduce inflammation, potentially improving Alzheimer’s symptoms. However, more research and clinical trials are needed.
2. Low testosterone level
Testosterone is a primary male sex hormone, but some men have a lower level than others. Signs of low testosterone include:
a low sex drive
hair loss
loss of muscle mass
increased body fat
In one clinical study trusted Source of male volunteers between the ages of 45 and 55, half of the participants were given a placebo, and half were given a 250 milligram (mg) dose of purified shilajit twice a day. After 90 consecutive days, the study found that participants receiving purified shilajit had a significantly higher testosterone level compared to the placebo group.
3. Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a long-term condition that causes extreme tiredness or fatigue. CFS can make it difficult to go to work or school, and simple everyday activities can prove challenging. Researchers think that shilajit supplements may reduce symptoms of CFS and restore energy.
CFS has been associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. This occurs when your cells don’t produce enough energy. In a study from 2012, researchers gave lab rats shilajit for 21 days and then induced CFS by forcing the rats to swim 15 minutes for 21 consecutive days. The results found that shilajit helped reduce the effects of CFS. They think this was the result of the shilajit helping to prevent mitochondrial dysfunction.
Based on these results, naturally boosting your body’s mitochondrial function with shilajit supplements may help improve energy levels.
4. Aging
Since Shilajit is rich in fulvic acid, a strong antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory, it may also protect against free radicals and cellular damage. As a result, regular use of shilajit may contributeTrusted Source to longevity, a slower aging process, and overall better health.
5. High altitude sickness
A higher altitude can trigger a range of symptoms, including:
pulmonary edema
lethargy, or feeling tired or sluggish
body pain
Altitude sickness can be triggered by low atmospheric pressure, cold temperatures, or high wind velocity. Researchers think that shilajit may help you overcome high altitude problems.
Shilajit contains fulvic acid and more than 84 mineralsTrusted Source, so it offers numerous health benefits. It can function as an antioxidant to improve your body’s immunity and memory, an anti-inflammatory, an energy booster, and a diuretic to remove excess fluid from your body. Because of these benefits, shilajit is thought to help counteract many symptoms associated with higher altitudes.
6. Iron deficiency anemia
Iron deficiency anemia can result from a low-iron diet, blood loss, or an inability to absorb iron. Symptoms include:
cold hands and feet
irregular heartbeat
Shilajit supplements, however, may gradually increase iron levels.
A study divided 18 rats into three groups of six. Researchers induced anemia in the second and third groups. Rats in the third group received 500 mg of shilajit after 11 days. Researchers collected blood samples from all groups on day 21. The results revealed that rats in the third group had higher levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red blood cells compared to rats in the second group. These are all vital components of your blood.
7. Infertility
Shilajit is also a safe supplement for male infertility. In one study by trusted Sources, a group of 60 infertile men took shilajit twice a day for 90 days after meals. At the end of the 90 days, more than 60 percent of the study participants showed an increase in total sperm count. More than 12 percent had an increase in sperm motility. Sperm motility refers to the ability of the sperm in a sample to move adequately, an important part of fertility.
Salajeet Price in Pakistan
8. Heart health
Shilajit as a dietary supplement may also improve heart health. Researchers tested the cardiac performance of shilajit on lab rats. After receiving a pretreatment of shilajit, some rats were injected with isoproterenol to induce heart injury. The study found that rats given shilajit before cardiac injury had fewer cardiac lesions.
You shouldn’t take shilajit if you have active heart disease.
Shilajit side effects
Although this herb is natural and safe, you shouldn’t consume raw or unprocessed shilajit. Raw shilajit may contain heavy metal ions, free radicals, fungi, and other contaminations that can make you sick. Whether you purchase online or from a natural or healthy food store, make sure shilajit is purified and ready for use.
Because this is considered an herbal approach to health, shilajit isn’t monitored for quality, purity, or strength by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Carefully research your options of where to purchase it and choose a reputable source.
Don’t take shilajit if you have sickle cell anemia, hemochromatosis (too much iron in your blood), or thalassemia. It’s possible to be allergic to this supplement. Stop taking shilajit if you develop a rash, increased heart rate, or dizziness.
How to use it
Shilajit is available in liquid and powder forms. Always administer supplements according to instructions. If you buy the supplement in liquid form, dissolve a portion of the size of a grain of rice or a pea size in liquid and drink one to three times a day (depending on instructions). Or you can take shilajit powder twice a day with milk. The recommended dose of shilajit is 300 to 500 mg per day trusted Source. Speak with your doctor before taking shilajit.
Salajeet Price in Pakistan Salajeet 35 gm 1800 PKR
Salajeet Price in Islamabad Salajeet 100 gm 4500 PKR
1. Shilajit | Salajeet for Men
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Shilajit has the secret power that can heal men in many ways. Shilajit not only contains fulvic acid (which has several benefits), it contains various powerful substances, including humic acid, antioxidants, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, and others. These substances not only make your bones, muscles, and cells strong, but they also increase sperm count and sperm activity, which solves infertility problems in men. Various clinical trials have been performed to note sperm counts and activities before and after using Shilajit volunteers. The results show a remarkable increase in the number of sperms, even in aged men.
Shilajit also serves as a testosterone booster. Testosterone is primarily the male sex hormone and it starts decreasing as a person starts getting older. This is why middle-aged men have low testosterone levels. The low level of this hormone leads to increased body fat, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, hair loss, and a low sex drive.
2. Shilajit | Salajeet for Women
Shilajit is also very beneficial for women too. It can be used as a herbal tonic for enhancing vitality in women. This natural and powerful supplement is useful for working ladies who do not have enough time to take care of their deteriorating health. Shilajit can help these ladies by providing more stamina and power and making their bones strong and healthy.
Shilajit also improves the sexual health of women. Day-to-day physical, as well as mental stress and increasing tension, becomes an obstacle that affects female libido. But if they administer Shilajit regularly, it improves the flow of blood in the female genital tract and revitalizes their sexual health. It also helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and provides relief from premenstrual syndrome. Apart from minimizing irregular menstrual cycles, Shilajit is also known to help cure infertility problems and treat urinary infections in women. It also fights the symptoms of calcium deficiency and dramatically decreases the effects of aging, such as hair loss or wrinkles.
3. Shilajit | Salajeet for Weight loss and Detoxification
Shilajit serves as one of the most efficient solutions for weight loss and detoxification. When people start aging, the metabolism becomes slower, which leads to increased fat all over the body. Shilajit is a very powerful supplement that enhances metabolic rate and burns excess fat that you gain as a result of an unhealthy diet. It also reduces appetite, which prevents you from gaining weight. If you add a couple of cardio exercises along with Shilajit, its effectiveness will multiply and you will be able to maintain a natural and healthy weight.
In addition to that, it also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that break down the toxins going into your body along with your food. It cleanses the organs and quickly eliminates the toxic pollutants from your body, keeping them from accumulating in your body.
Salajeet Price in Pakistan
4. Shilajit | Salajeet for Bones
Both men and women experience deteriorating bone health with age. However, the process starts very early in women’s life during their 20s or 30s as they begin to show signs of osteoarthritis and weak bones. This can lead to serious injuries, loss of function in limbs, severe pain, and unexpectedly high hospital bills.
There are several pharmaceutical options you can opt for, but they are not very effective in the long run. Instead, you can go for a natural option by taking Shilajit regularly. It’s safer than all the scientific medicines as well. Traditionally, it was used for tissue regeneration whether the damage was caused by age or any other injury. The effectiveness of Shilajit for tissue regeneration has also been acknowledged by Soviet scientists as it transfers the necessary minerals into bones to protect the overall structure of the skeleton.
Cartilage is a very important tissue to provide flexibility in joints and keep them mobile. Shilajit is very useful as it helps in the regeneration of cartilage tissues, which has been proven by clinical studies. Both humic acid and fulvic acid along with other minerals found in Shilajit help in the process of regeneration as they are soluble in water and can easily be absorbed by cells.
Shilajit relieves joint pain and helps in the absorption of calcium. It is also very helpful for the proper functioning of joints. Joint pain is the most common ailment in middle-aged men and women. Not only does it disturb day-to-day activities, but also causes depression and fatigue. As people start aging, their bodies lose the ability to absorb calcium efficiently from food. Shilajit, however, helps in overcoming this problem. If you take this supplement regularly, your body stops consuming calcium from bones and keeps the knee pain in check.
Salajeet Price in Pakistan
5. Shilajit | Salajeet for Hair and Skin
Zinc and iron are two minerals that are very important for the healthy growth of your hair. Iron is also very effective in the production of red blood cells that provide oxygen to the body cells. Low iron level or zinc deficiency in your body can also result in hair thinning. By taking Shilajit regularly, you can fight off this deficiency and get healthy and strong hair. Apart from iron and zinc, it also contains vitamin A, which is also very beneficial for good healthy hair.
Shilajit contains various minerals and compounds that help your hair grow stronger and healthier, especially in women. In addition to using Shilajit, make lifestyle changes, such as cutting them differently, having a new hairstyle, and changing the number of times you wash your hair with a new healthy natural shampoo.
Shilajit also keeps skin cells from decaying and reverses the aging process that is visible on your face via wrinkles. The antioxidant property of Shilajit repairs damaged tissues by drawing out toxins from the body and removing dead skin cells, softening your skin, and giving it a beautiful glow. You can also apply it as a face mask to help remove the dark circles, aging spots, blemishes, and fine lines.
Salajeet Price in Pakistan
6. Shilajit | Salajeet for Heart, Anxiety, and Stress
Shilajit is also very beneficial for good cardiac health as it treats heart injuries and reduces cardiac lesions. It regulates blood pressure, breathing rate, and heart rate, especially when you are under pressure or overburdened with a lot of stress and anxiety.
Stress occurs when mental and physical equilibrium gets disturbed. Not only does it affect people psychologically, but it also damages their physical performance. Shilajit contains minerals and compounds that enhance immunity, mood, and help in reducing the overall stress and anxiety level. It makes the nervous system stronger, improves sleep, and enhances memory by lowering stress levels.
People who suffer from chronic stress are unable to sleep properly. Shilajit is beneficial for these people as it promotes healthy sleep, especially in people who suffer from insomnia or have any other sleep disorder. It also decreases emotional tension and agitation and helps induce sound sleep. This powerful supplement is very useful to improve mental alertness and enhance intellectual ability in children.
Salajeet Price in Pakistan
7. Shilajit | Salajeet for Immune System
Up to 15 percent of the microbes in a healthy human body contain unhealthy bacteria. This fragile balance is disturbed when people use hand sanitizer or antibiotics, which can also damage the immune system. Over fighting, bacteria do not make sense as less than 1% of bacteria is harmful to our bodies. Besides, having a strong immune system is the best mechanism to protect your body from diseases.
Shilajit serves as an energy booster and it is also a very powerful substance for a strong immune system. If you take this supplement regularly, it increases the white blood cells in the body and as a result, strengthens the immune system.
Shilajit is very useful in regulating the body’s defense mechanism by enabling it to adapt to stress as it activates two types of white blood cells, i.e., splenocytes and macrophages. It increases the detoxifying capacity of the body and allows the stimulation of the immune system.
8. Shilajit | Salajeet for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Shilajit is very effective in fighting off chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) that causes severe fatigue and tiredness. This condition makes it harder for people to go to work, school, or carry out their day-to-day tasks. However, researchers have concluded that this supplement can minimize the symptoms of CFS and enhance the energy level in your body.
This syndrome is directly related to mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria are small organelles of a body cell that enable these cells to absorb the nutrients from food and break them down to produce energy. When they stop functioning properly, it makes it hard for cells to produce enough energy.
But this issue can be resolved by using Shilajit as it contains dibenzo-alpha-pyrone which enhances the energy synthesizing ability of mitochondria. As a result, it improves physical performance and provides relief from tiredness and fatigue.
9. Shilajit | Salajeet for Brain
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Shilajit has been proven to be very effective in preventing or maintaining Alzheimer’s disease from progressing. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that adversely affects the thinking pattern, behavior, and memory function of a person. Some researchers believe that the molecular composition of this supplement keeps this disease from progressing.
The presence of fulvic acid in Shilajit makes it a very effective supplement for cognitive health by preventing the tau protein from depositing in you the brain. Although it is an essential element of your brain, its accumulation can have damaging effects on the nervous system as it damages the brain cells. Researchers and experts think that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of fulvic acid not only keep the tau protein from depositing but also help in fighting the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
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10. Shilajit | Salajeet for Altitude Sickness and Iron Deficiency Anemia
Some so many people suffer from altitude sickness and iron deficiency anemia. Symptoms of high altitude sickness include hypoxia, dementia, body aches, lethargy, insomnia, and pulmonary edema (fluid in the lungs that makes it harder for a patient to breathe). It usually happens due to the high velocity of wind, cold temperatures, and low atmospheric pressure. However, based on certain case studies and experiments, researchers believe that Shilajit is useful in the treatment of high altitude sickness. In addition to fulvic acid, it contains over 80 minerals that offer various health benefits. The diuretic property of this supplement removes excess fluid from the body and effectively helps in dealing with high altitude issues.
If a person is suffering from iron deficiency anemia, he or she experiences irregular heartbeat, headache, cold feet or hands, weakness, and fatigue. It is normally caused by the inability to absorb iron, blood loss, or taking a low-iron diet. This deficiency can be treated by consuming Shilajit as it gradually increases the iron level in your blood. It also increases the number of red blood cells and gradually improves the hemoglobin level in the blood.
11. Shilajit | Salajeet as Anti-Aging Supplement
Experience and wisdom only come with age, but you cannot ignore the other aspects of aging, such as the reduced ability to carry out tasks that you can easily do when you are young. With age, cognitive ability also decreases. In addition to that, wrinkles start to appear on your skin as you grow older. Shilajit is very useful for aging symptoms as it nourishes damaged tissues and helps in the healing process. Its ability to generate more energy enables it to remove toxic materials from the body quickly. This leads to healthier skin tissues and makes your skin looks younger.
Fulvic acid has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It protects against free radicals and also keeps the cells from getting damaged. Traditionally, Shilajit was used for a strong and healthy lifestyle, which leads to longevity. The same has been confirmed by modern science as it slows down the aging process and provides good health.
12. Shilajit | Salajeet – Adaptogen for Stamina and Stress Relief
As discussed, the modern uses of the supplement as stated in conventional western medicine concur with its historic use. The traditional use of medicine has also been confirmed by modern research.
In the Indian Ayurveda medicine, Shilajit is known to have Rasayana properties. The word Rasayana means path or chemistry of juice, elixir, and also an adaptogen. In Ayurveda medicine, it means the science of promoting the overall lifespan and maintaining optimal health along with reducing the effect of aging. Therefore, in other words, Shilajit provides relief from stress, helps in gaining stamina, and also makes the body strong. It brings the body back to its balanced and healthy state.
13. Shilajit | Salajeet for Kidney
Shilajit is also a useful supplement for those who wish to rejuvenate, cleanse, and tone their reproductive as well as urinary tract organs. In a clinical study of the Punarnavadi (restoration) compound for chronic renal failure, it was identified that Shilajit is one of the three very effective Rasayana supplements that are specifically used for the treatment of urinary tract disorders. Not only is it useful for the kidney, but also for other urinary systems, including the urethra, urinary bladder, and ureters.
Kidneys consist of adipose tissues, fats, and blood. By keeping these three things healthy, you can keep your kidneys in good shape. The study shows that Shilajit serves as Naimittika Rasayana (a supplement that fights diseases) to promote kidney health and other urinary systems. The supplement is very helpful in the purification of blood, because of its anti-microbial action. Moreover, it provides relief from burning micturition (burning sensation while urinating) and dysuria (feeling pain or difficulty in urination).
In a study, it was revealed that the supplement carries Rasayana properties. When a group of individuals administered this powerful resin along with other Ayurveda drugs, they experienced an improvement in their metabolic heat that helps in enhancing digestion (Jatharagni); increases functional capacity, overall well-being, and quality and quantity of sleep. It is backed up by modern research, which shows that Shilajit and other Ayurveda Rasayana drugs have antioxidant properties that help in fighting free radicals.
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